Summer Fun At An End...
“Oh, let the sunshine in! Let the sunshine in! SUN SHINING!”
Okay, sorry I just love that song and it really is just how I feel right now. Like everything is rainbows and sunshine, here at the end of Summer in LA. There is nothing that could get me down. But enough of that, let’s talk fashion. I have been having fun this summer playing with colors. My absolute favorite by far is PINK! I know, I know, it is disconcerting to be that classic girl, whose like, “Oh, my god, its soooo cute!!” --add an ear-splitting squeal. Sorry, I can’t help it. Hot pink has forever been my favorite color, even back to my Barbie Girl days.
Today, however, I rarely wear that bright of a pink, or if I do in smaller doses. One example being my previous post of work wear, with a Pink Blazer!
But then again this outfit is definitely HOT! I have already posted about Plus size Swim Suits this year and many of you know of my love of Gabi Fresh’s Swimsuit line at Swimsuits for All. This is a suite that I bought earlier this season as well. It comes in handy to fulfill my hot pink addiction! Then again I look so good in it I may have to start wearing even more of it in the future.
Well what swimwear has stolen your heart, here at the end of Summer? Let, me know in the comments below!!!!